如何在没有智能手机的情况下使用Google Authenticator和其他两因素身份验证应用程序...
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Google, Dropbox, LastPass, Battle.net, Guild Wars 2 – all these services and more offer apps that work on smartphones. If you don’t have a supported device, you can run an alternative application on your computer.

Google,Dropbox,LastPass,Battle.net,Guild Wars 2 –所有这些服务以及更多服务都提供可在智能手机上运行的应用程序。 如果没有受支持的设备,则可以在计算机上运行备用应用程序。

When you log in, you’ll need to enter a time-based code from the app. Two-factor authentication prevents people who know your password – but don’t have the app and its security key – from logging in.

登录时,您需要从应用程序中输入基于时间的代码。 两因素身份验证可防止知道您的密码但没有应用程序及其安全密钥的人登录。

局限性 (Limitations)

Using a two-factor authentication app on your computer is less secure than using one on a separate device. Someone with access to your computer could access your security key and log into your account – however, if you don’t have a smartphone, iPod touch, or other mobile device, using an app on your computer is more secure than not using two-factor authentication at all. It’s also likely that most stolen passwords are acquired via keyloggers and other types of software that won’t try to steal the security key from your computer.

与在单独的设备上使用一个双重身份验证应用程序相比,在计算机上使用一个双重身份验证应用程序的安全性较低。 有权访问您计算机的人可以访问您的安全密钥并登录您的帐户-但是,如果您没有智能手机,iPod touch或其他移动设备,则使用计算机上的应用程序比不使用两个应用程序更安全。根本没有身份验证。 大多数被盗密码也可能是通过键盘记录程序和其他类型的软件获取的,这些软件不会尝试从计算机上窃取安全密钥。

None of these apps are officially supported by the services they’re for. However, the two-factor authentication algorithm that Google Authenticator uses is an open standard that these apps have implemented. In the case of WinAuth, the developers have implemented the same algorithm used by Blizzard’s Battle.net Authenticator.

这些应用程序均未获得其服务的正式支持。 但是,Google Authenticator使用的两因素身份验证算法是这些应用已实现的开放标准。 对于WinAuth,开发人员已经实现了暴雪的Battle.net Authenticator使用的相同算法。

Google,Dropbox,LastPass等 (Google, Dropbox, LastPass, & More)

Google makes Google Authenticator, which implements a standard time-based  one-time password (TOTP) algorithm. Other services, including Dropbox, LastPass, Guild Wars 2,  DreamHost, and Amazon Web Services, have used Google Authenticator instead of implementing their own apps from scratch. You can even .

Google制造了Google Authenticator,它实现了基于时间的标准一次性密码(TOTP)算法。 其他服务,包括Dropbox,LastPass,Guild Wars 2,DreamHost和Amazon Web Services,都使用Google Authenticator而不是从头开始实现自己的应用程序。 您甚至可以 。

While Google only produces official Authenticator apps for Android, iOS, and BlackBerry, other developers have created implementations of Google Authenticator that run on desktop PCs.

虽然Google只为Android,iOS和BlackBerry生产官方的Authenticator应用程序,但其他开发人员已经创建了可在台式机上运行的Google Authenticator的实现。

If you’re a Chrome user, you can use , which implements Google Authenticator as a Chrome extension. The extension stores your secret key locally and generates time-based codes you’ll need to log in, just as the official mobile apps do.

如果您是Chrome用户,则可以使用 ,它将Google Authenticator实现为Chrome扩展程序。 该扩展程序将您的密钥存储在本地,并生成您需要登录的基于时间的代码,就像官方移动应用程序一样。


You can also use , an implementation of Google Authenticator for Windows. After installation, launch GoogleAuth from your Start menu. If you see an error message after launching it, click Continue to launch the application anyway. It will appear in your system tray. Right-click it and use the option to enter your key. After you do, you can right-click the system tray icon and select Copy to copy the current time-based authentication key to your clipboard.

您还可以使用 ,这是Windows的Google Authenticator的实现。 安装后,从“开始”菜单启动GoogleAuth。 如果在启动后看到错误消息,请单击继续以继续启动该应用程序。 它会出现在系统托盘中。 右键单击它,然后使用选项输入密钥。 完成后,您可以右键单击系统任务栏图标,然后选择“复制”以将当前基于时间的身份验证密钥复制到剪贴板。


To add your security keys to any of these applications and secure your accounts, go through the standard process for , , or activating two-factor authentication on any other service. Instead of entering the key into a mobile app during the setup process, enter it into the application on your computer.

要将安全密钥添加到任何这些应用程序中并保护帐户安全,请执行以下标准过程: , 或在任何其他服务上激活两因素身份验证。 无需在设置过程中将密钥输入到移动应用程序中,而是将其输入到计算机上的应用程序中。

Battle.net和Guild Wars 2 (Battle.net & Guild Wars 2)

Blizzard’s Battle.net service uses a different two-factor authentication implementation – Blizzard offers their own mobile app instead of using Google Authenticator. Blizzard’s Battle.net Authenticator secures the Battle.net accounts used for World of Warcraft, Diablo III, and Starcraft II.

暴雪的Battle.net服务使用了不同的两因素身份验证实现–暴雪提供了自己的移动应用程序,而不是使用Google Authenticator。 暴雪的Battle.net Authenticator可以保护用于魔兽世界,暗黑破坏神III和星际争霸II的Battle.net帐户。

You can’t use the above apps for Battle.net, so you’ll need to use another app. is an open-source Windows authenticator for Battle.net and Guild Wars 2 (although you can also use the above apps with Guild Wars 2.) It also allows you to encrypt your security key file so that malicious programs can’t easily access it without your permission.

您不能将以上应用程序用于Battle.net,因此需要使用其他应用程序。 是Battle.net和Guild Wars 2的开源Windows身份验证器(尽管您也可以将上述应用程序与Guild Wars 2一起使用。)它还允许您加密安全密钥文件,以使恶意程序无法轻松访问未经您的许可。


Download the WinAuth app and it will walk you through using it with your Battle.net or Guild Wars 2 account.

下载WinAuth应用程序,它将引导您通过Battle.net或Guild Wars 2帐户使用它。


如果您不在电脑旁 (If You’re Away From Your Computer)

Mobile apps are particularly useful because they run on a phone that you probably always have with you. if you’re away from your computer and need to log into one of your accounts, you won’t be able to do so without disabling two-factor authentication.

移动应用程序特别有用,因为它们可以在您可能始终随身携带的手机上运行。 如果您不在计算机旁并且需要登录其中一个帐户,则必须先禁用两因素身份验证,然后才能登录。

For most services, you can disable two-factor authentication as long as you have access to your email account – click a link in an email sent to you and you can log in without any special codes.


If you used one of these apps to secure your Google account and you can’t log into Gmail, this can be a problem. Google provides several ways of logging in if you don’t have a security code – you can have a security code sent by SMS to the cell phone number you provided on the two-factor authentication setup page. If you don’t have access to your mobile phone, you can enter one of the recovery codes you can print out from . Each code is only valid once. Ensure you print out these keys and keep them somewhere safe – like your wallet – in case you ever lose access to your security keys and need to log in.

如果您使用这些应用程序之一来保护自己的Google帐户安全,但无法登录Gmail,则可能会出现问题。 如果您没有安全密码,Google提供了多种登录方式–您可以通过SMS将安全密码发送到您在两因素身份验证设置页面上提供的手机号码上。 如果您无法使用手机,则可以输入一个恢复码之一,然后从打印出来。 每个代码仅有效一次。 确保打印出这些密钥并将其保存在安全的地方(例如钱包),以防万一您无法访问安全密钥并需要登录。


Some services my also offer physical two-factor authentication tokens, such as Blizzard’s Battle.net Authenticator device. You may also find unofficial authenticator apps for other platforms, such as .

我的某些服务还提供了物理的两因素身份验证令牌,例如暴雪的Battle.net Authenticator设备。 您可能还会发现用于其他平台的非官方身份验证器应用程序,例如 。



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